Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Picture Book: "Wish" by Matthew Cordell

"This is not what we planned. We wish you were here."

Oh goodness. This book. I wept the first time and read this book and mist up pretty much any time I read it now. My mother sent us this book because it reminded her of our struggle with infertility and ultimate success in having our daughter. This sweet book tells the story of two elephants that dream of having a baby elephant of their own. They dream and wish and time passes. Eventually they give up and stop making plans. Cordell tells a beautiful story that speaks to anyone who has ever wished for a baby and struggled to see that realization. The illustrations are cute and I recommend this book 100%. Just read it with tissue!

Picture Book: "The Book of Mistakes" by Corinna Luyken

Oh, wait. That was a mistake!

Have you ever tried to create something and it comes out horribly wrong. For most of us our tendency would be to give up or throw away our mistakes. This beautiful picture book teaches the beauty in making mistakes and using them to create something wonderful. The fun and gorgeous illustrations show the reader that a mistake does not mean something is ruined. I definitely recommend reading this book with children, particularly 8 and up to teach resilience and that mistakes are okay.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Dusk Gate Chronicles by Breeana Puttroff

Quinn Robbins is a regular teenage girl. Friends, a job, and maybe even a boyfriend. Growing up in the small town of Bristlecone, Colorado, she is under no illusion that her regular high school life will change drastically one day when she follows the mysterious William Rose down to the river and into a different world. 

Ah, I just want to tell you everything about these fun books... but I think you should read them and find out for yourself. A great series of books, The Dusk Gate Chronicles, includes 7 fun adventures about Quinn Robbins and her adventures in another world. These books are entertaining and I couldn't stop reading them! I read all 7 books in about two weeks, which is pretty good for a full time teacher. The last four I read in about 3 days during spring break. While you could read all the books independently, I couldn't do it. I had to read them one after another because I just HAD to know what happened next.

Puttroff does a great job creating characters that you, as a reader, care about. Her world is well developed and interesting. Although it is sometimes predictable and the writing is not perfect, I thought it was a great series. Quinn, the main character, learns a lot about family, love, and courage as she navigates two worlds and discovers who she is and what she wants. Throughout the books she and the other characters have to make decisions between what is easy and what is right.

I recommend all of the books, which can be found on Amazon.